SME's Celestial Corner
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Henshin - Sailor Mars (ON HOLD)
Source: TV
Layers: 1
No sketches available
Cel Number: A158
Oversize, 10.5W x 9.5H
Ending Cel

No Background

Added 1/4/2005
Updated 4/5/2010
Cel Rating:Wishlist. Not for offers.
Purchased From: Ebay
Episode: Many throughout Original, R and S
Comments: A superb shot of Sailor Mars'' henshin. I was very fortunate to have stumbled across this cel at the time it was purchased, because I was looking for a Mars henshin for my sister. She reminds me so much of Mars with her personality, so this cel has sentimental value to me.

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Next: Oshiokyo - Sailor Mars (ON HOLD)    

Curator: SME
Gallery Created: 7/16/2004
Hits: 122296

Presentation 8.81/10   Collection 9.03/10   Overall 8.91/10   Votes 86 votes
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