SME's Celestial Corner

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Ep. 196 - Eternal Sailor Moon
Source: TV
Layers: 1
No sketches available
Cel Number: B13
Standard size
Opening Cel

No Background

Added 8/20/2005
Updated 3/20/2011
Cel Rating:Wishlist. Not for offers.
Purchased From: Private Collector
Episode: #196 - Ginga Horobirutoki! Sailor Senshi Saigo no Tatakai (When the Galaxy Perishes! The Sailor Senshi''s Final Battle ).
Comments: I''ve always wanted a cel from this sequence where Sailor Mars is disappearing due to her starseed being taken by Galaxia. Sailor Moon is telling Sailor Mars that she can''t leave her because she wouldn''t know what to do. It''s such a moving scene and one of the few times where I actually cried.

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    Previous: Dragonball GT - Bulma & Bebi Vegeta Next: Ep. 196 - Eternal Sailor Moon & Sailor ChibiChibi Moon    

Curator: SME
Gallery Created: 7/16/2004
Hits: 122296

Presentation 8.81/10   Collection 9.03/10   Overall 8.91/10   Votes 86 votes
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