SME's Celestial Corner
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Oshiokyo - Sailor Mars (ON HOLD)
Source: TV
Layers: 2
No sketches available
Cel Number: A15
Standard size
Opening Cel

No Background

Added 10/22/2005
Updated 4/5/2010
Cel Rating:Wishlist. Not for offers.
Purchased From: Anna
Episode: Many times
Comments: Sailor Mars in her own form of Sailor Moon''s ''Oshiokyo'' stance. It''s not often that you see the other senshi doing their own poses, as Sailor Moon and Sailor Chibimoon are usually the ones to pose before fighting the daily youma. Instead of saying "I''ll punish you" like Sailor Moon and ChibiMoon say, Sailor Mars says, "I''ll chastise you!"

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    Previous: Henshin - Sailor Mars (ON HOLD)

Curator: SME
Gallery Created: 7/16/2004
Hits: 122295

Presentation 8.81/10   Collection 9.03/10   Overall 8.91/10   Votes 86 votes
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