Skuld & Noble Scarlet (ON HOLD)
Source: Movie
Layers: 1
No sketches available
Cel Number: C26
Oversize, 15W x 10.5H
Opening Cel
No Background
Added 3/31/2006
Updated 3/20/2011
Cel Rating: Purchased From: Nearachd Nathair Sgiathach Episode: AMG Movie Comments: "This is your fault. This is your fault! Idiot!" Skuld and her lovely Noble Scarlet angel are full of emotion because of what Celestine had done to Belldandy. Her scream is so powerful enough that it sends Celestine flying through a screen.
This cel is absolutely breathtaking. It's huge, and I had to scan it twice and piece it together. The detail is amazing in this cel, and is full of emotion. This cel is one of my favorites from AMG, because of the emotion that is depicted and the amount of detail that went into this cel.
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