Gundam Wing - Serpent Mech
Source: TV
Layers: 1
Sketches: 1
Cel Number: A2
Standard size
Opening Cel
Key Cel
No Background
Added 4/10/2006
Updated 4/19/2010
Cel Rating: Purchased From: Zero Episode: Endless Waltz Movie Comments: This is my fiance's first cel! Look what I got him into now hehehe! And can you believe he has a second Gundam Wing cel on the way too? Yup, I got my future husband into collecting cels from his favorite anime now. Who knows next, more Dragonball, Gundam, possibly even other series? Big thank you to ZeroSpace for now getting my fiance into cels and adding two cels to his collection. :P
This is the Serpent Mech from the Endless Waltz movie. More details later when the fiance comes home. ;)
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