SuperS Movie - Sailor Neptune Attack
Source: Movie
Layers: 2
Sketches: 1
Cel Number: B42, C13
Standard size
Opening Cel
Key Cel
End Cel
No Background
Added 3/13/2007
Updated 3/20/2011
Cel Rating: Purchased From: YJ Episode: SuperS Movie Comments: The outer senshi join together with the inner senshi to combat the faeries at Marzipan Castle. Sailor Neptune replies that no magic can combat her mirror, as she holds it up high and uses her one-time attack Submarine Reflection. Her attack lights up their weapons and Sailor Uranus comes in to attack the weapons with her Space Sword Blaster.
I've always wanted a cel showing Neptune's mirror, and when this cel became available on YJ, I just took the BIN. What I really like about this cel is its special effects layer for the mirror. :D
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