Infected Holy Bell & Urd (ON HOLD)
Source: Movie
Layers: 4
No sketches available
Cel Number: A1 TOME,B5,C5,E1
Oversize, 16W x 9H
Opening Cel
Key Cel
End Cel
Original Matching Background
Added 10/19/2007
Updated 3/1/2010
Cel Rating: Purchased From: Asylum Anime Episode: AMG Movie Comments: A beautiful close-up shot of Infected Holy Bell after Urd summons her from the unconscious Belldandy. Here Urd is trying to figure out what spell Belldandy was put under (from Celestine), but Urd is not able to undo the spell. A big thank you goes to Curt for helping me acquire this wishlist sequence.
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